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Planas Archive iterations

Fake beach, 001, 2020




High-ress digital image

Printed on canvas 14,7m x 2,45m



Fake Beach 001 is a typical and topical landscape image of the landscape understood under commercial exoticism terms. It is an image that refers to the idea of ​​paradise, exoticism and an image of the ideal tourist destination that could well be a very specific place, but could not belong to any place at all. Behind it, it hides the problems and tensions on the environmental sustainability and the consumption of territory implicit in the tourism industry. 


The image refers to the concept of “neurotourism”, a term that refers to the use of neurotechnologies to delve into the non-verbalized and unconscious aspects of -potential- tourists through the capture, in real time, of emotional and cognitive processes with those that respond to certain visual impacts or experiences. This constitutes a new way of researching and developing tourism based on the reduction of time needed to find out what the tourist “really” wants.


Neuro-tourism research involves risks both for the autonomy of tourists and for the configuration of tourist services and the choice of destinations in a context of social acceleration. Some techniques such as the electroencephalogram, which uses sensors to capture electrical signals produced by brain activity, or functional magnetic resonance, which provides images of brain areas with activity, allow the capture of neurological information from tourists that make it possible to find out in real time the emotions that visual experiences produce in them. (Bigne, 2015)


#turismocomodoctrina #arqueologíadelocio #antropología #colonialismo #guerra #franjatemporal #viajeros #imagen #testimonio #postal #ficción #escenificación #masificación #dictadurayespacio #síndrimeturístico #placer #cuerpo #mujer #paisaje #explotación #migración #mendigo #representación #territorio #producto #neoliberalismo #multinacional #consumo #neuroturismo #opacidad #gandul #parquetemático #gentrificación #identidad #decorado #medioambiente #agua #golf #antropoceno #HolidayInn #Fraga #desposesión #boomturístico #estado #planificaciónurbanística #turismoresidencial #aeronave #touroperador #airbnb #burbuja #monocultivo #bellezadeslocalizada #diferencialderenta #cambioclimático

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