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Marina Planas Antich (Palma, 1983)


Visual artist, researcher and cultural producer.

In general terms, her work revolves around the frontiers between art and life, reality and visual representation, fiction and memory. For years Marina Planas, artist and granddaughter of Josep Planas Muntanyà, promoter of the brand image of Spain as a touristic destination, has been guarding and working with the materials of a family photo business archive. His work consists of a reflection on tourism from a historical review with the aim of learning from yesterday through the remains of the materials we have left and how they configure our relationship with the past and the construction of its meaning from the present. 


Her idea is that the process of history is conceived as a structural system of perpetual interactions and permutations. Thus as the history of tourism changes its meaning, the interpretation of the archive develops and expands. This reinforces the idea of variation and the living body inherent in the archive. Taking various theoretical ideas, from Roland Barthes' death of the author, to Derrida's translations, to Benjaminian ideas, to Nicolas Bourriaud's relational art and Jacques Rancière's emancipation of the spectator, over the last 10 years, all of Marina Planas' work has been based on the Planas Archive through making a contemporary reading of the images. In recent years her work has focused on postcards and the idea of generating a fiction and a desire through the tourist utopia.  


In order to intervene and activate the archive and develop her relational practice, in 2017 she initiated the Art Investigation Programme at the Casa Planas Centre for Research and Contemporary Image. The goal is to promote contemporary creation through residencies and her art practice. In this programme she has collaborated with artists such as Joan Fontcuberta, Antoni Muntadas, Dora García and Pedro G Romero.


Her installations, videos and photographs have been presented at Anthology Film Archive (Nyc), in the context of the Venice Biennale, at the Centre d'Arts Santa Mónica (Bcn), FRAC-Corse (France), at the Museu es Baluard (Palma), Just Mad (Madrid), Reina Sofia Library, Longueuil Biennale (Montreal), Galeria Mama (Rotterdam), Cortona on the move, International Photo Festival (Italy), among others. 


She has won art investigation scholarships from the governments of the Balearic Islands, Canada and the UK, Pilar Juncosa i Sotheby's scholarship for residency at Slade School of Arts, London. Her work has been commissioned by a variety of national and international art institutions.


As a recipient of the Alice Beck-Odette scholarship, she enrolled in master's degree studies, (Photography, Video & Related Media) at New York’s School of Visual Arts, where she also worked as a photography and video TA in the Fine Arts department. She has a degree in Visual Communication.


In 2019 she was the vice president of the Association of Visual Artists of Balearic Islands.

Individual Exhibitions


2023 // "Warlike approaches to tourism: all inclusive" // Cortona on the Move. International Photo Festival // Italy 

2022 // "Greetings from Mallorca" // Convendum // PM

2021 // Coastal Memory. Urban intervention and social action // Playa de Palma

2020 // "Warlike approaches to tourism: all inclusive" // Es Baluard // PM
2018 // "Happy Holidays" // Selva Town Hall // Mallorca
2017 // "Profiles" // Gallery 300 Stvorcov // Slovakia
2012 // Multimedia Performance "Password" // La Nacional // NY


Collective Exhibitions



2024 // Archaeology of leisure, Mohamed and the watercourses // Museo Thyssen // Madrid

2024 // Warlike approaches to tourism: all inclusive // "Ten by Ten" Houston FotoFest Biennial // USA

​2023 // Eyes without faces // Festival de cine, fotografía i més // Catalunya

2023 // Performance "Southern Highway" // Live for the Arts // Berlín

2023 // Warlike approaches to tourism: all inclusive // Cortona On the Move // Internationa Photo Festival // Italy

2023 // "Touristic Digestion II" // Revela't. International Photo Festival // Barcelona

2022 // "Touristic Digestion" // La isla de las amas de casa // Leipzig 2022 // "Body desintegration II" // Bio Eco Arte Digital //Las Cigarreras // Valencia

2022 // Badlands // Logueuil Biennial // Canada

2021 // Exhibition: Departures - "Peripheries of pleasure" // Mama Gallery // Rotterdam

2020 // Archipel Ouest: Îles du Future - "La fiction prémonitoire du dromadaire Mohamed" // FRAC // Corse
2019 // Possible physicalities and new powers of the an/archive - "Balearic Hotel Taxonomy according to Mohamed" //Museu Es Baluard // PM
2019 // Holidays - "Digestión Turística II" // Museu de Porreres // Mallorca
2019 // Finalist City of Palma Award Antoni Gelabert d'Arts Visuals // "What Martin Parr would have seen" // Palma de Mallorca
2018 // Impossible Works // 1st Step // Murcia
2018 // "Body Desintegration II" // JustMad // Madrid
2017 // Expo: Ciutat de Vacances - "Variacions d'un arxiu" // Museu Es Baluard // PM
2017 // Projection "Imatges turístiques. Historical Approaches // Grimani Palace // Venice
2017 // Projection "Imatges turístiques. Historical approaches // Centre Arts Sta. Mònica // BCN
2017 // Expo "A very festive death" // Biennale Genova
2013 // "Body Desintegration" screening // Anthology Film Archieves // NYC
2013 // "Courtyards" screening // La Nacional // NYC



2024 // Critics' Choice Award 2024 - LensCulture Awards

2023 // Selected for a solo exhibition in the International Photo Festival Cortona on the move // Italy

2019 // Pilar Juncosa i Sotheby's Scholarship. Fundació Miró Mallorca // Artistic Residence at Slade School of Arts // London

2019 & 2021 // Finalist award Ciutat de Palma Antoni Gelabert of visual art// "What Martin Parr would have seen" // Palma de Mallorca

2018 & 2020 // Finalist VI Francisco Bernareggi d'Arts Visuals Santanyí Prize // "Digestión turística II" // Mallorca



2024 // IEB Creation Support Grant // Balearic Islands

2024 // Biennal FotoFest Houston portfolio review attendance // IEB // USA

​2023 // Cortona on the Move International Photo Festival portfolio review attendance // IEB // Italy // Islas Baleares

2023 // IEB Creation Support Grant // Balearic Islands

2020 // ILLENC Creation Support Grant // Balearic Islands

2012-13 // ALICE BECK-ODETTE Scholarship MFA Master studies // School of Visual Arts // New York




2014 // MFA Photo, Video & Related Media // School of Visual Arts // NYC
2006 // Audiovisual Communication // Ramon Llull University // BNC
2008 // Seminar on Photography and Journalism. Joan Fontcuberta // Albarracín

2016 // Memory and disagreement. Archive, registry and family album policies // Directed by Víctor del Río // Huesca
2017-18 // Es Baluard Clinics: Ana Laura Aláez, Martí Manen, David Barro // Palma de Malorca

2018 // Performance with Concha Vidal // Palma
2018 // The new encyclopaedists: the artist as a collector // the collector as an artist // Directed by Joan Fontcuberta // Santander

2015-16 // Continuous training in theater // Teatre Sans

2020 // Endless Writing. Fernando Castro Flórez // La Central // Online

2021 // Dream Cities. Ramón José del Castillo // UOC

2021 // Reclaiming public space: gentrification, control, surveillance. Antoni Muntadas // Es Baluard // Palma de Mallorca.​


Published Work


2021 // Iteraciones Bárbaras // The world of yesterday.  Author's magazine // Barcelona

2019 // "A tiro de Piedra: acercar lo posible" // Reina Sofia Museum // Madrid // In collaboration with Es Baluard and 1r Escalón.

2019 // Arte y Políticas de Identidad. II Congreso // Facultad Bellas Artes. Facultad de Murcia

2018 // Ciutat de Vacacnces // Es baluard. Santa Mònica i Consorci Museus Generalitat Valenciana

2018 // New Patronages. Images and objects from popular tourism // Mallorca


Work Experience


2015-24 // Director of the Centre for Research and Contemporary Culture Casa Planas // Mallorca //
2017-24 // Art Investigation Programme // Arxiu Planas // Joan Fontcuberta, Angela Bonadies, Daniel Gasol, Sa Glania, Platform Harakat, La Perifèrica, Marc Caellas, Margalida Riera, Laura Marte...
2018 // Jury IV Visual Arts Competition of Felanitx // Mallorca

2018// King Jaume's Photography Awards Jury // Mallorca
2019 // Vice President Associació Artistes Visuals // Mallorca
2013-14 // Photo and Video Teacher // School of Visual Arts // NYC
2012 // Visual Collective Film Festival Coordinator // Anthology Film Archives // NY




2023 // Imaginarios Turísticos a mediados del sXX en España // UNED

2023 // Archivos del común // Museo Reina Sofia

2021 // The illusion of tourism. Narratives of travel and its representation and thought in contemporary artistic practices contemporary artistic practices // Menéndez Pelayo International University, TURICOM and VISIONA // Online

2021 // International Congress ADD + Art. Social Art on the Internet // University of Barcelona. Online.

2021 // Lecture. Archival practices in contemporary art // Universitat de les Illes Balears. 

2020 // Conference. New formulas of cultural production // University of Barcelona // Barcelona // Online

2019 // Speaker at the II International Congress Art and Politics of Identity. Visualities and Narratives of memory: urban space, nature, migrations, technology and gender // Fine Arts University // Murcia
2019 // From the Nuit Blanche to the Nit de l'Art // Mallorca
2018 // Addressing the different economies of culture // Mallorca
2017 // Our spaces for art // Mallorca
2017 // World Day of Audiovisual Heritage // Mallorca





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